A refreshing look at real pregnancies and those first few years of parenthood. Putting the mums and their needs first for a change!

Rude Awakenings

I hate to brag people, but I think I’ve been blessed with one of the most compliant children ever. My daughter’s been sleeping through the night since she was about 3 months. She ate whatever she was given without fussing. And most importantly, she falls asleep on her own!

Have I not had a rude awakening in the last few weeks???? My little angel has been waking up in the night and refusing to go back to sleep! I’ve had a 4.30, 5.30 and most recently a 3 am wake up call. What’s most surreal is the fact that she doesn’t usually cry, she wants to play. It’s very disconcerting to hear a little voice calling ‘mummy’ and clapping over the monitor in the middle of the night. Even as I write this my eyelids are being propped open by matchsticks.

I wouldn’t change it for the world though. Before I had my beloved, I thought there was a definite motherhood cult thing going on. Now I know there is. You don’t mean to join, but you just get sucked in. Before you know it, you’re one of those women who can only talk about their little darling’s achievements.


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